Verification of a Microsoft™ Excel Spreadsheet helps establish a baseline of robustness. It confirms that the implementation of the calculation is capable of producing meaningful results consistently and is not vulnerable to mis-interpretation, corruption or user error.
Microsoft™ Excel spreadsheets are widely used to carry out calculations in design, quality inspection, and production environments. They offer a convenient and intuitive means of completing repetitive calculations or for ordering data for presentations or further calculations.
The very flexibility to create and edit spreadsheets presents a hazard as users may make errors in data entry, or modify or overwrite formulae inadvertently; the wise developer adds some safeguards as a minimum and ideally has someone else check the coding ahead of go-live.
Where Excel spreadsheets are used in the context of medical device or combination product design or manufacture, they are considered as software tools by the regulatory authorities. When used with real data to provide information, their output comprises a quality record which must be managed as such within the applicable quality management system (QMS).
We have the knowledge to interrogate the formulae and structure of spreadsheet tools and to identify potential limitations of validity.
Aware that there are many ways of formatting and presenting a spreadsheet, we work with your team to understand your approach, style and intent, the purposes to which the spreadsheet is being put and who will use it.
We follow a structured approach in our review and will work with you to agree a verification protocol, suitable challenge data sets and a reporting format.
Please explore the FAQ to find out more
Verification is a process by which we confirm that the design outputs match up with the design inputs, i.e. that the design intent has been fulfilled and the spreadsheet performs correctly the calculations or data restructuring that it is intended to do.
Verification helps establish a baseline of robustness. It confirms that the implementation of the calculation is capable of producing meaningful results consistently and is not vulnerable to mis-interpretation, corruption or user error.
These are documents or records that state what the purpose of the spreadsheet is and who it is intended to be used by.
Whilst they can be created after the fact, it is preferable that these be defined early along with a verification plan.
Legacy spreadsheets may not have these, which can make verification difficult, especially if the coding is complex.
We can discuss the available documentation and what to do about any gaps as part of an exploratory call.
We are familiar with the use of spreadsheet tools for data analysis, tolerance modelling and many other applications. We are familiar with creation, development and review of spreadsheets, both our own-authored work and that of others, for mechanical engineering and other applications.
Since no two applications are quite the same, please contact us if you have something interesting you would like us to review!
All customer data including spreadsheet tools that we review or handle in the course of our business will be treated as confidential information. We take confidentiality seriously and will not seek to take advantage of the data or the coding.
Normally a confidentiality agreement will be put in place ahead of any detailed discussions or receipt of files.
Please engage with us a couple of months in advance ideally, to confirm scope, contract and provisional schedule for the work.
It can take time to set up contracts and agreements if we have not worked together before.
Sure! Please contact us.
We normally suggest an introductory meeting and preview of the spreadsheet, to discuss the scope of the work and your objectives first.
A preliminary discussion will be needed ahead of us confirming we can undertake the work for you and advise price.
As a guide, allow a month for the work following kick off and a budget of £24,950 + applicable taxes, subject to agreement of scope and contract. This assumes a spreadsheet of moderate complexity that is well documented.
Please contact us if you are interested in the service and would like to explore how we can help.
We would love to hear what you think and see if we can assist you with an Excel spreadsheet verification!
Tel. +44 (0)1273 740705
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